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Saturday, March 14, 2009


i been moping around here for days. i know its going to be fine. i know its for the better. i just have this feeling of not understanding. which is pretty hilarious because thats what we talked about at celebrate on thursday. we want so bad to understand things when somethings we never going to understand. its just the way god wants it to be. so all this pain.. all this heartache is for a reason? why does it have to hurt so much.? what is in store for me next? any why are we so afraid of the unknown. im going to try to not let it get me down today. have a lot to do and need to just pick myself up and do it.

Your horoscope for March 14, 2009 The universe is inviting you magnify your vision, Janice. It's time to see the bigger, the better, the more advanced side of things. Remember that life is a mirror; you are highly unlikely to receive more than you hope for. So dream big, hope big, imagine yourself in the stars. Don't sell yourself short - it's a misuse of humility and modesty.

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