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Thursday, March 19, 2009

day four

he texted me a few times yesterday mostly mean things. i didnt text him back once. funny how in such a short time im able to already look back and see how much he fucked with my head. and is still trying to. i got a text a little bit ago from him our song. "listen up cuz i love you lady we go back like 1980. lord knows your the one to save me u love me cuz im so crazy.you'll see it'll be u and me allllwayys!!" god how i miss that side of him! but i cant let him get to me.

on the home front. i got some awesome carpet for the house yesterday! i think its enough for the living room my room and alexis' room! even got some for bees room but i think im going to buy her a cute rug instead. i wasnt able to get as much done yesterday i lost most my energy after picking up the carpet. but i did put a lot away. today i have church but i think my dad is gonna get more stuff done today so fingers crossed i will be able to get more done today!

Your horoscope for March 19, 2009 The past few weeks may have seemed like an earthquake, Janice. You may still be trembling slightly as you embark on the weeks ahead. Fortunately, the current astral configuration promises calmer, although not necessarily less intense energy. You will be able to apply decisions you recently made regarding your domestic life and settle important matters once and for all...

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